Some Introduction of ECMO Centrifugal Pump Magnet

COVID-19 is spreading across the globe and becoming more and more serious. The treatment guide for COVID-19 issued by the National Health Commission of the People’s Republic of China indicated that ECMO can be utilized for the salvage treatment of the severe case. ECMO, also known as extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, is an extracorporeal technique of providing prolonged cardiac and respiratory support to persons whose heart or lungs are unable to provide an adequate amount of gas exchange or perfusion to sustain life. The standard ECMO circuit consists of the blood pump, membrane oxygenator, gas exchanger, heat exchanger, monitoring system and different kinds of cannula. As the core components of them, blood pump and membrane oxygenator act as heart and lungs of the patient respectively. ECMO circuit is connected to patient via cannula which placed in veins and arteries of the leg, neck or chest, then pump blood from the body to oxygenator to exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide. Thus, sends blood back to the body. It is the same as ventilator magnet that ECMO centrifugal pump magnet also caught our attention.

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About ECMO Centrifugal Pump Magnet

Both roller pump and the centrifugal pump are utilized in the clinic. Centrifugal pump has many merits compared with roller pump, includes less damage to blood, large pressure buffer and high safety. ECMO centrifugal pump magnet is essentially a magnetic coupling device. Magnetic chamber in the pump head will form coupled connection with magnetic device of driving motor. Then high-speed rotating motor will drive impeller which inside the pump to rotate at high speed and thus generate vortex and centrifugal force to push blood forward.

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  1. Hi,

    I am Rahul from India working on ECMO project for Albot Technologies Pvt Ltd
    Understanding your expertise on magnetic coupling, can you help us out with designing centrifugal pump with magnetic coupling property?

  2. 您好!我们遇到一例患者使用VV-ECMO的过程中,突发流量下降至0.2L/min,经检查后管路通畅、容量充足、管路各部分无血栓形成、重新安装离心泵泵头与驱动单元,但均无效果。紧急更换另一台ECMO机器,任然无明显效果,流量仍然仅有0.2L/min,考虑离心泵头损坏,更换另一套包,随后流量恢复正常,我们再次更换之前的ECMO机器,流量也是正常。所以请问1、这种泵头损坏原因是?2、可否有相关文献?3、是否是离心泵去磁化,如果是,那么这种故障有名称吗?谢谢


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